General Peer-Review Process
* All manuscripts submitted for publication in JUOZ are strictly and thoroughly peer-reviewed. The review process is double blind. If the manuscript is accepted for full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers.
* Submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial check including a Plagiarism Check in the Editorial Office. An Editor together with the Editorial Office takes charge of the peer-review process. It starts with a preliminary review by the Editor (finished no more than 5 working days after manuscript submission).
* After a manuscript is accepted for full review, the Editor will send the manuscript to at least two reviews after they accept to review the manuscript and register with the JUOZ system as a reviewer. After passing 4 – 6 weeks, the Editor will collect the reviewers’ comments and prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers. The decision letter will be sent to the Corresponding Author to request an adequate action. In addition, the Authors will see the reviewers’ comments and the decision letter in their account page at the JUOZ system. In the case of the acceptance, the author will be asked to format the manuscript according to JUOZ template before it goes into typesetting and proofreading with the publisher. The author will receive the paper in PDF produced by JUOZ for checking before it is published online. In briefly, the Review Process at JUOZ and details of the submitted manuscript are stated below and visualized in the following diagram.
- Preliminary review
- decision: accepted for review or
- decision: pre-rejected
- reviewer selection
- writing the decision letter including
- comments from reviewers
- Editor's comments
- Editor's decision about the next status of the manuscript:
- decision: accepted or
- decision: to be resubmitted or
- decision: to be revised or
- decision: rejected.